Publisher: Random House of Canada, October 2016
Genre: Fiction
Pages: Hardcover, 480 pages
Rating: 5/5 stars
Summary (from Chapters.indigo.ca):
A young woman and her husband, admitted to hospital to have a baby, request that their nurse be reassigned - they are white supremacists and don't want Ruth, who is black, to touch their baby. The hospital complies, but the baby later goes into cardiac distress when Ruth in on duty. She hesitates before rushing in to perform CPR. When her indecision ends in tragedy, Ruth finds herself on trail, represented by a white public defender who warns against bringing race into the courtroom. As the two come to develop a truer understanding of each other's lives, they begin to doubt the beliefs they each hold most dear.
WOW... another amazing book by Jodi Picoult. I have read every single one of her books and can honestly say that I always walk away feeling like I have learned something new. Her books tackle topics that some authors may shy away from and yet she handles them with such ease that her readers are left with hearts and minds full of new found love for her characters and different social situations.
In Small Great Things, Jodi Picoult tackles the topic of race and discrimination and it's such a relevant thing to talk about given the stories that dominate the news every single day. The story is written so that the readers can see both sides of the story and yet find themselves dealing with the morale issue of what's right. Perhaps you see yourself more in one camp than the other but by the end of the story, you can see the light of both sides.. you understand that the world, for lack of better terms, isn't just black and white.. that there are so many shades of grey in between.
As always, Jodi's novels leave me craving her next story... I highly recommend Small Great Things to anyone but don't stop there, read all of her stories and you will be better for it!
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