Publisher: Mira, May 2014
Genre: Fiction
Pages: eBook, 45 pages
Rating: 5/5 stars
Summary (from chapters.indigo.ca):
When the body of a woman is discovered in a local park-with her bewildered four-year-old son sitting beside her-veteran social worker Ellen Moore is called in to assist in the police investigation. Positioned beneath a statue of Leto, the goddess of motherhood, the crime is weighted with meaning and, Ellen discovers, remarkably similar to one from a decade past. Ellen's professional duty is to protect the child, but she's not equipped to contend with a killer. As she races to connect the dots, she knows her time is running out. And the stakes are high: if she fails, another mother is sure to make the ultimate sacrifice.
When I found out this was a short story/prequel, I decided to download the ebook from my library and blow through it in an afternoon. I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did but WOW, what a roller coaster ride of pure adventure.
Heather Gudenkauf is an author that I have picked up here and there over the years but not someone that I continually pay attention to and I have to wonder why that is. This is likely the third book of hers that I have read and can honestly say that I loved all of them. It's taking everything in me NOT to order up the book 'Little Mercies' that this book is the prequel to because I have that MUST READ MORE feeling.
Now, with short stories/prequels, I have always read the actual book they are based on before it so I am not sure how exactly Ellen (and family) and Joe are connected in the main story. Whether it is based around the original crime from 13-years ago or if the crimes of 'Little Lies' have nothing to do with it but either way, I am excited about the potential of reading more of these characters. I liked both Ellen and Joe and think there is definitely 'more to the story' of their relationship.
Overall, a very worthwhile read for those who enjoy quick, fast-faced, stories.
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