Publisher: St. Martin's Press, November 2011
Genre: Fiction
Pages: eBook, 352 pages
Rating: 4/5 stars
Summary (from chapters.indigo.ca):
Welcome to Trenton, New Jersey, home to wiseguys, average Joes, and Stephanie Plum, who sports a big attitude and even bigger money problems (since losing her job as a lingerie buyer for a department store). Stephanie needs cash-fast-but times are tough, and soon she's forced to turn to the last resort of the truly desperate: family...
Stephanie lands a gig at her sleazy cousin Vinnie's bail bonding company. She's got no experience. But that doesn't matter. Neither does the fact that the bail jumper in question is local vice cop Joe Morelli. From the time he first looked up her dress to the time he first got into her pants, to the time Steph hit him with her father's Buick, M-o-r-e-l-l-i has spelled t-r-o-u-b-l-e. And now the hot guy is in hot water-wanted for murder...
I've had this book on my TBR for years... like too many years to count but knowing that the series is now 23 books deep, it seemed like such a commitment to get into. When the movie came out, I bumped it up a little higher on the list because I don't like to watch movies before I read the books but even then, it took a hot minute to get it read. Thankfully, after all that time waiting, it was a really good and enjoyable book and I am really glad to now have it marked as 'read'.
Being a fan of mysteries, I found the story line of 'One for the Money' great, in that I really wasn't sure what was happening or 'who dun it?' but it was a very easy to read/chick friendly (and no, I'm not being sexist but it's not a scary novel so I instantly think Chick Lit) type of crime novel.
The characters were well developed and I found both Stephanie Plum (the main character) and Joe Morelli to be very endearing. For a tough guy, you can definitely tell that Joe is a teddy bear when it gets right down to it. Stephanie is the type of fun-loving, accident prone, only has half-a-clue character that I instantly fall in love with so I can fully understand why this series has been such a hit and is going on after all this time.
Overall, a great read and I have already added the second book to my TBR... now to find time to read it!
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